
Scandi Partners provides a wide range of financial advisory services, with focus primarily on mergers & acquisitions, valuation and financial advisory in the Norwegian and Nordic markets


We support our clients in selling or buying companies, shares or assets. Often called sell-side or buy-side advisory, services typically include target identification, valuation assessments, strategic and tactical advice and negotiation support.


We help our clients assess the value of their company or companies. Through our valuation methodology and experience, we can estimate a company´s value as a “stand alone” case, as well as its value in a possible transaction. 

Cfo as a service

In need of a CFO or operational partner? Allow management to focus on core business without interruption or delays. 

Project Finance

We provide investment opportunities to wealthy individuals, private investment firms, and institutions.

Our focus is on prime properties or other assets with strong counterparties, ensuring predictable long-term returns.


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Our objective is consistently to attain the highest price for our clients

Scandi Partners strives for client success through expert advice and dedication. With extensive experience in Nordic and international transactions. We strive to achieve outstanding results, focusing on M&A, fundraising, equity, financing, and valuation. Trust is built through meticulous project management, valuation, and negotiation, recognizing the importance of the human element in successful asset transitions. Count on Scandi Partners for a professional and comprehensive approach to your financial needs, delivering top-tier value and contract terms.



In addition to price, factors such as quality, convenience, and trustworthiness can also play a significant role in motivating a sale. At Scandi Partners, we understand the importance of addressing all of these factors to meet our clients’ needs effectively. With a commitment to putting our clients first, we work tirelessly to negotiate favorable terms and provide comprehensive solutions tailored to their unique financial goals. Our team combines expertise with personalized attention to deliver exceptional value and service, ensuring our clients feel confident and satisfied with their financial decisions.

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